Cultural & Personal Studies
Welcome to the subject page for Cultural & Personal Studies.
You’ll find key information including staffing, curriculum plans and contact details on this page.
Curriculum Intent
The CPS course is deigned to blend the content of the PSHE and B & V curriculum into a coherent, student-focussed curriculum. The main objective of our course is to provide challenging varied and enriching lessons that effectively prepare our pupils for life in a culturally diverse modern world. We teach the students the knowledge and skills to be able to function as successful citizens and respond to challenges which may arise now and in the future. Clyst Vale students should be fully prepared for success in an increasingly globalised and interdependent world, and aspire to be responsible local and global citizens. It is vital that the students gain an insight into world views and take an interest.
In CPS we focus on the students and through listening to them we have constructed an adaptable programme of study which reflects the issues which they feel are important. We cover the statutory RSE curriculum and students will develop both the knowledge and skills to reflect on their relationships with others. Students should be empowered to take responsibility for their decisions and consider the positive or negative consequences and the impact these decisions could have on their lives and those of the people around them. Our aim is to empower the students to take responsibility for themselves.
Students should consider how they can draw parallels to other people’s lives and beliefs and to lead them to a deeper understanding and respect of a range of ethical/religious concepts and ideas, and to challenge views which are rooted in prejudice and ignorance. As a Rights respecting school the UNCRC is fully embedded throughout our curriculum. This helps build student’s confidence to make informed decisions. They have a moral framework, based on equality and respect for all that lasts a lifetime, as they grow into engaged, responsible members of society.
Students are taught CPS once a week in year 10 by a specialist teacher. In year 11 students are given an extra lesson of study skills to help with their preparation for exams and to ensure they have the skills needed to equip them for their assessments.
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At CVCC we value the opportunities that are offered which enable the students to develop into responsible citizens. Through our C42 programme (KS3) and CPS (KS4) we offer a range of opportunities through our Deep Learning Days to enable the students go gain valuable skills and experiences that they may not received through the taught curriculum. This includes- enterprise and team building activities, visits from local employers, drug and alcohol awareness talks and interviews skills.
Mental Health and Wellbeing activities.
We are keen to promote positive mental health for the whole school community at CVCC. We run a wellbeing ambassador scheme where students regularly meet to talk about and promote positive mental health. This is run at lunchtimes and gives students the opportunity to spread positive messages about mental health and wellbeing across the school.
Opportunities are also provided by groups such as the College’s Amnesty International group and the Youth Cultural Champions