- Careers Programme
- Parental Info & Resources
- Careers Guidance & Work Experience
- For Employers
- Contact Careers Team
At Clyst Vale Community College we aim to provide a careers programme to meet the needs of all students and help them to strive to fulfil their careers aspirations. We value the importance of careers education by ensuring students receive designated careers lessons in each school year through our C42/ CPS and Sixth form programme. Through the curriculum we build students essential skills (speaking, listening, problem solving, creativity, teamwork, leadership, staying positive and aiming high) which students will use throughout their school life and chosen career path.
In addition, we provide students with the opportunity to develop their skills through project work of DLD’s, employer visits and work in curriculum areas. We aim to give the students the skills and aspirations to be successful in the world of work and are supportive of student’s career choices. All students are entitled to careers guidance which is impartial. There is a whole school approach to careers and students will gain information across the curriculum. All students at Clyst Vale receive outstanding careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) which supports them in making informed decisions about their future.
The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of eight guidelines that stipulate what makes the best careers provision in schools. Further information on the Gatsby Benchmarks can be found by clicking on the link below.
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Our programme is designed to fulfil the Gatsby
benchmarks and provide students with timely advice to enable them to engage in their careers journey and make educated and appropriate decisions.
Benchmark 1-
We have an established careers programme at CVCC and students receive careers education through the C42 and tutorial programme and cross curricular teaching. Career education starts in year 7 and continues through until KS4 and into our post 16 provision. Students are encouraged to learn about the world of work and develop the skills in order to be successful in their future career path. Our programme allows students to explore different career options and consider the amazing opportunities that are available to them in the future.
Contacts- Mrs Sally Trump coordinates the Careers and Work Related Learning Programme at Clyst Vale and is the designated careers lead. You can contact her by email-
Any specific work experience enquires should be emailed to
There are a number of different activities which students will be able to access as part of the Careers programme. Including-
- Careers lessons in C42
- Tutor time activities
- Careers guidance activities- online
- Careers guidance interviews
- Workshops for apprenticeship seekers
- Work related learning- (Including work experience)
There is a designated careers centre open to all students at CVCC in the Sixth Form block. The Careers area includes a careers library containing college and University prospectuses, many useful reference books (for example The Apprenticeship guide) and notice boards advertising open days, apprenticeship opportunities and other relevant information. Students can also use computers to access online advice in the careers centre.
Year 10, 11 and sixth form will all have careers information posted on the relevant team regarding opportunities available for work experience, careers talks and online information.
Mrs Trump is available in the careers centre at lunchtimes for careers drop in and during registration times.
Post 16-
Those students interested in studying at CVCC at post 16 can also speak to their tutors and the Head of Sixth Form for university application advice. The careers team supports the work of the post 16 team by supplementing the tutorial programme with advice on apprenticeships and assisting with the students securing Work experience.
Careers events
We provide the opportunity for our students to attend a number of careers events which enables students to gain a valuable insight into their future careers. These include-
Apprenticeship day- students who are thinking of doing apprenticeships are given the opportunity to complete a day of workshops with advice on applying, CV writing as well as meeting apprentices. This is run by Mrs Bennett and students are given the opportunity to complete a group careers session with our careers advisor.
SW Apprenticeship Fayre- students who are interested in apprenticeships at post 16 / post 18 are given the opportunity to attend to enable them to discover local opportunities.
Big Bang- Selected year 7,8,9 students attend a careers event which inspires them to look at STEM related careers- a real growth area.
UCAS Convention- Students in year 12 attend annually to develop their knowledge of university applications process.
Employability Week- Key Stage 3- restarting 2023
Students work within subjects and link subject content with possible careers and employability skills.
Employer engagement - students to be given the opportunity to meet various local employers from a wide variety of job roles and gain an insight into the world of work.
Take Your Child To Work Day- restarting 2023
Year 8 students are given the opportunity to go to work with a parent / guardian to give them experience of a workplace.
Visits to local colleges-
Students will be given the opportunity to visit local colleges to complete taster sessions in vocational courses.
Careers Talks- Local employers will attend assembly sessions or link with departments to speak to students about their job roles.
Our NEET (not in education or training) figures are well below the national average and are also below that of the South-West and Devon. Our strong CIAG provision ensures students gain timely and valuable advice which enables them to secure places in their chosen course and educational establishment. We give students a valuable insight into apprenticeships and support students with their applications.
NEET figures
2021- 2.5%
2020- 1.7%
2019- 2.2%
2018- 1.3%
- Apprenticeships
- T-Levels
- Financial Support
- Higher Education
- Post 16 @ CVCC
Apprenticeship advice for parents-
The government have produced a very useful guide to apprenticeships and the process of application.
If you would like more detailed information please see the ‘Amazing Apprenticeships’ parents’ pack, downloadable from the following link:
Ammaarah Full guide_Parents & Carers Hints & Tips (amazingapprenticeships.com)
Each month amazing apprenticeships produce a parents and carers pack with current information.
Apprenticeship resources for schools, teachers, parents (amazingapprenticeships.com)
Podcast series for parents to help them to support their child with careers advice and guidance.
The Parent Perspective Podcast - Amazing Apprenticeships
Get in go far
This site gives you an insight into apprenticeships and gives you real life stories about young people who are enjoying the benefits. The parental advice section is a great starting point to develop your understanding.
Information for students and families about financial support in Post 16 Education
Your choices at Post 16 may impact on what level of financial support you and your family is entitled to. For more information, see the Department for Work and Pension (DWP) website:
(What am I) Entitled To : this website allows you to input your details, and then calculates what support you are entitled to.
16-19 Education: Financial Support : a document that sets out some of the financial support available to 16-19 year olds in further education.
T Levels- This guide provides parents with information about the new exciting opportunities provided by T Levels which are available at local colleges.
T-levels Parents’ Guide | A new post-16 alternative to A-levels (tlevelinfo.org.uk)
Sites for post 16 students looking at higher education-
This is a Russell Group guide to making informed choices about post-16 Education. It is packed with useful information, and the 5 Point Plan for making A Level choices is a good tool for clarifying your thoughts.
Has all the information that you would need to consider if you were applying to university and undergraduate and postgraduate options. This site also gives you advice on finance and student support.
Not going to University
This is a site devoted to those students who do not want to go onto university and gives advice about alternatives such as gaining work experience, completing a gap year, studying at college and apprenticeships.
Post 16 at Clyst Vale
Careers advice and Work Experience
Individual guidance interviews-
We have our own experienced, impartial level 7 careers advisor who is employed for 2 days per week and can support students on their careers journey. Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students are offered a face-to-face careers guidance interview, to support them to make informed decisions about the future. This may include how to overcome barriers, recognising talents, making decisions about future courses and training opportunities and is very much tailored to the needs of the individual student. Our SEND students are supported by a careers advisor from CSW.
If you would like to request a career appointment please do so via your tutor or email
Your tutor will be notified of your appointment time, and you will also receive a personal email. The careers summary from the meeting will be shared with the student.
Work Experience-
Students in year 10 and 12 are offered a week of work experience at the end of the school year. We are proud of our work experience uptake record and have excellent relationships with local and regional employers. This offers students the opportunity to gain skills which cannot be taught in the classroom and often enables students with insight into what career path they want to pursue.
Staff also offer drop in sessions to help students who need help sending emails, writing CVs or support making phone calls.
Parents will be sent full information regarding the WEX programme and the process of finding and securing a placement. If your child needs help or advice please contact the careers coordinator deals with enquiries about work experience.
Please take a look at the attached video which will give you a short insight into the benefits of work experience.
EMPLOYER / training provider INFORMATION
We are keen to develop and grow our employer engagement opportunities and build on the success of our work experience. This links to both Gatsby benchmark 5- employer encounters and Gatsby benchmark 6- experience of the workplace. We provide many opportunities for businesses to interact with students: Career Talks, Employability Skills workshops in Deep Learning Days, Mock interviews, presentations, work experience, small group work etc.
We are very keen to engage with businesses and employers to help us inform and educate students about the local and national employment opportunities.
As a parent and an employer if you would like to get involved and be part of informing students about your business/company you work for and what opportunities there are in this industry and/or discuss your career journey we would love to hear from you.
We are also very keen to connect with any past students and build our alumni network so students can hear about and aspire to be like our successful past students
If you would like to get involved, or wish to advertise any apprenticeship vacancies through the school, then please contact
Policy Statement Managing Access-
This policy statement for managing access of providers to pupils complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
This means that all pupils in years 7-11 are entitled:
- to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;
- to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events;
- to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
Should you wish to submit a provider access request please contact the careers lead- who will be able to help you with your requests.
We hold a number of events throughout the year as part of the career programme or assembly programme which would provide opportunities to access students. Students and carers are also provided with information about local careers opportunities.