News from the Art Department

Double Elephant Art printing workshop

Year 10 Art students had a somewhat messy but inspiring experience on Thursday when the Double Elephant print team came in to run a workshop.  Students were able to learn about and create Collagraphs, monoprints and dry point prints on the day that were inspired by colour and natural forms.  The standard of work produced was truly exceptional by all students who were there, and the sheer volume of prints created was outstanding.  All work created will form part of their GCSE coursework and they have all put themselves in a great position with this after today’s performance.

Mr Brooks and Mrs Walton

Art trip to St Ives

On Thursday 6th of March Post 16 Art and Photography students travelled to St Ives for a study day as part of their exam and coursework development. Time was spent sketching and photographing work at the Barbara Hepworth Museum before moving on to view art work at the Tate gallery, including a special exhibition of the work of Surrealist artist Ithell Colquhoun. A brilliant day was had by all who went, with some outstanding drawing and photography created by students in response to the town and surrounding landscapes. All work created on the day will inform and inspire future work that students will be undertaking in the classroom. Fortunately, the early spring sunshine held for the duration of our stay!
Mr Brooks