Year 11 Revision Information Evening

Year 11 can be a challenging time to navigate for both students and parents as we work towards the exam season.
In order to support your child to prepare effectively for their exams next Summer, and therefore maximise their chance of success, we would like to invite you alongside your son/daughter, to our revision programme information evening at 6pm- 7pm on 17th October 2024.
During this evening, we will outline our strategic revision plan for year 11. This has been established to support and guide our students through their revision across all subjects over the next year until their final exams.
Parents will be provided with the opportunity to view what is on offer to support students here at Clyst Vale by our core Heads of Subject. You will be talked through the structured revision programmes and support materials available, including how to access them so you can best support your son/daughter at this time.
We look forward to welcoming you. Mrs Brotherton.