CV&CC Update 23rd February 2021: phased return from 8th March

CV&CC Update

Tuesday 23rd February (half-term)

We are still working through the implications of the government announcement on Monday, and the “reopening” of schools “on” March 8th. I have written to parents separately indicating that regrettably we will have to adopt a phased approach from 8th March so that we can meet the requirements of mass testing.

The government guidance for schools can be found here:


Testing (from supplementary DfE information)

“Home testing is being introduced for secondary age pupils (11+) and college students. It is important that pupils and students are initially supervised whilst swabbing to make sure they are doing it correctly. This is why testing will initially take place on-site, at an asymptomatic test site (ATS). Secondary schools and colleges should offer students 3 tests on-site, 3 to 5 days apart (min 3 days), upon their return. Testing on-site (via an ATS) initially is a condition of being able to transition pupils and students to test at home.

You have the flexibility to consider how best to deliver testing on a phased basis from Monday 8 March, depending on your circumstances and local arrangements, but you should prioritise vulnerable children and children of critical workers, and year groups 10 to 13. Pupils should return to face-to-face education following their first negative test result. Pupils not undergoing testing should attend school in line with your phased return arrangements. Testing is voluntary; however, we would encourage everyone to participate in the asymptomatic testing programme to help break transmission links by identifying those who may be carrying the virus unknowingly.”


Situation Update

There have been no further cases among students, staff or volunteers. Eight colleagues in total have now tested positive (6 support staff, 2 teachers, plus 1 volunteer LFT tester); fifteen colleagues and four LFT testers were required to isolate. All but three colleagues (covid positive) have now returned to College. Four clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) staff remain shielding until the end of March at the earliest.

Before Christmas 12 students tested positive for covid, as well as 31 family/household members. Over the holiday we were informed of 2 further students testing positive. Since the start of term there have been 7 students with a positive result and 17 family/household members. Attendance in the KWV provision so far this week has been just over 12% of the College roll, which is higher than Devon and England averages.

Please keep informing us of any positive tests, even it seems daft because you are in lockdown ! Contact details are below.


Local Rates

Locally to Clyst Vale, numbers of new infections are low but fluctuating, but remain below national averages. According to the NEU covid map for schools, in the last week East Devon has fallen very slightly from 63 to 61 cases per 100,000, and the BBC gives 40 cases; Broadclyst, Cranbrook, Stoke Canon and area has also fallen from 66 to 52/100,000; Exeter has risen from 51 to 69/100,000 (NEU) but remained the same according to the BBC at 51, but Pinhoe and area has declined from 77 to 49. The national average for the BBC figures is 105/100,000 which is a drop from last week’s 125. (The NEU and BBC use different dates).


Summer Exams 2021

We expect an announcement from Gavin Williamson, Secretary of State for Education, on Thursday 25th February.


Lateral Flow Testing

We require parental permission, or confirmation that consent has been withheld. So, either way, we would be immensely grateful if you could complete the form. It is a DfE template form which we cannot amend, so it is a bit discouraging that you have to respond to 25+ statements before you can withhold consent. If you need it, here is the link to the form: Student Consent form for Covid-19 testing, and you can find the accompanying letter and Privacy Notice on our website, at


Key Points to Remember

  • Please do not send your child to school if they have covid symptoms.
  • Please do not send your child to school if they have had symptoms and are waiting for a test result even if they seem better.
  • If any member of a household has symptoms, everyone must stay away from school or work until the test result is known. If positive, everyone must isolate for 10 days from the start of symptoms or 10 days from the test date if there were no symptoms.
  • Please tell us [student absence; AtHoS; Post-16] if your child or household member has symptoms; test dates and results; dates you have been given for a return to school. This applies even if your child is not attending College.
  • Please use the number below for reporting an “out-of-hours” positive test result.
  • Students should wear masks at all times unless exempt. Except lessons, when actually eating/drinking, and if outside AND at 1m+ distance from one another.
Evenings & weekends AND HALF-TERM – reporting of Covid-19 positive test results

We have introduced a dedicated phone number, solely for reporting positive Covid-19 test results at evenings and weekends

(At all other times, please contact Student Absence on 01392 463911 or e-mail: )

The number is:           07818 212 931

It is not for suspected cases, non-Covid-19 illness or absence, and is not an advice line.

Please text positive Covid-19 test result information to this number, including:

·       Name of student

·       Student’s tutor group

·       Date symptoms appeared

·       Which symptoms, or no symptoms

·       Date of test

·       Date of test result

If necessary, someone will contact you having received this information.  Thank you!