Snowbound in Swanage
While the rest of Clyst Vale has been enjoying or coping with “snow days”, spare a thought for our Year 12 A-Level Geographers. On Wednesday they left for three days’ fieldwork on the Dorset Coast, based near Swanage, due back in time for the weekend.
And then Storm Emma met the Beast from the East. While the group have managed a surprising amount of the fieldwork in very cold conditions, difficulties of travel in Dorset and dropping-off in Exeter meant that the party has stayed an extra night. Leeson House, where the party is staying, have been absolutely fantastic and deserve our thanks.

Footnote: after an overnight thaw, the party got back to Devon at lunchtime on Saturday. The party leaders Mr Jones and Mrs Klampfer Hall said, “The students were an absolute credit to us and their parents, taking everything in their stride and never once complaining about the situation.”