DLD Photos – Dory found, too
The photos to the left and below relate to the guided tour of Plymouth Aquarium. However, the focus of the day was on environment and habitat, in particular the damage being done to coral reefs, and therefore the sealife dependent on it (which includes Nemo). Around half of the visit focused on the geography, biology and chemistry of the threat, and as part of the tour students were able to see a tank in which the Aquarium has live coral.

Students took part in a relaxation exercise followed by question-and-answer about the fish they had chosen to watch; the photo features Samson, an aquarium favourite, who took part in his own relaxation exercise by keeping in a fixed position and watching the students…..

Shark Spotting
As well as the Year 8 trip to the Aquarium, this term’s DLD provided the usual wide range of activities. Year 7 were reversed from the September day, so either had a Languages cultural immersion, or a Maths problem-solving day. Half of Year 9 attended a workshop at which they learnt IT skills which would be useful both in the work place and across the curriculum. They took on the role of BBC researchers looking into the subject Technology in education. The other half engaged in a fantastic day of health based activities that challenged their bodies, minds, social skills and emotions. Activities included archery, self defence, relaxation, team challenges and a fun run.
DLDs are also a vehicle to deliver careers education and personal & social development topics. Therefore, Year 10’s day focused on careers education: this included a briefing on work experience later in the College year, and a series of activities on key stages in the process of applying for a job. Year 11 had a mixed provision, including motivational and study skill input from “Positively Mad”, as well as a couple of sessions related to sex education and safeguarding, considering the risks of grooming and sexting.