Carnival of Arts

IMGP4505On Thursday 18 July we celebrated our students’ artistic talents in the form of an outdoor celebration: The Carnival of Arts. Students from all schools showcased their Art, Dance, Drama and Music in our marvellous outdoor Amphitheatre. Students were invited to prepare something to perform/display to represent their schools. This event saw mixed year groups of students working creatively together.  There was a good turn out to support the various acts; student and staff. We had melodic ballads, a funk band, graceful dancers, silent comedy, some original reggae compositions, a moment of Shakespeare and some gymnastics. The most striking  display was the beautiful Venetians masks that students from all four school had created.  A highlight of the event was a gleefully enthusiastic Mr ‘Pretty in Pink’ Popert who played host and kept the show moving along. Despite the sweltering heat a good time was had by all. 

