BBC School Report Day

bbcnews0312Today, 31 excited students have taken part in the BBC School Report Day. The stories were based on different events which have happened recently. They formed groups and worked together on their own stories.

The stories vary from GCSEs to the Olympics; professional table tennis player Vicky Smith came in for an interview and a student even got to play a game against her in our sports hall! Simon from Spotlight has been with us the whole day and his camera man Steve, one of the top camera men from the BBC, was here for the morning and filmed some of us.  He also told us about his adventures in Afghanistan and his recent trip to Auschwitz, a concentration camp in Poland. He also told us about how he got into the business and where his passions came from.

We have all had an eventful and fun day. Here are a few quotes we have received from the students and teachers as well as Simon himself; 

‘A co-operative and an exhilarating experience’ says Hannah.

‘It’s cool and it was good to meet with the BBC’ said Willow.

‘It was a wonderful day and I enjoyed watching the reporters work together and come up with original ideas for their stories’ said Miss Montegriffo.


‘Today has been an incredible experience for all involved and what a line up we had – Olympic hopeful, BBC staff, professional camera man – amazing’ said Miss Money.

‘It’s been brilliant because you’ve got to think for yourselves and solve your own problems’ said Mrs Oldfield.

And from Simon, ‘I thought we all learnt about ten years of TV making in ten hours.  What better way to spend the day’.


Click on the link below to see the students’ work!

